概述 > 关于大会





The Congress will be structured with five inclusive sub-themes

Artificial intelligence, digital preservation & emerging technologies

Artificial intelligence and emerging technologies are quickly changing how we do our work, but we need to understand both the strength and weaknesses of these technologies in archives and records endeavours. What do they do well? What can they help us do better? How do we engage with these new practices? What are the ethical implications?

These technologies will also impact how we preserve information and make accessible information (records and data), but we not only to discuss this but there are persisting questions about how to preserve records and data in a sustainable, practical and cost-effective way.

Sustainable knowledge

Sustainable knowledge is fundamental to sustainable development and the achievement of development initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the core of these initiatives is the need for trustworthy information, regardless of format.

Sustainable information is also about how we protect our holdings from climate change, theft, looting, and illicit trafficking. It also about looking beyond what is done to the archives and records institutions and examining our impact on society and the environment.

Trust and evidence

In the age of ‘alternative facts’, ‘fake news’, misinformation and cybersecurity threats, the need for trustworthy evidence (records, information, data) has become ever more essential. What is our role in this space? Who are our allies?  What is the role of records and archives professionals in the area of internet governance? 

Trust and evidence also mean reaching out and understanding what our users need, so that they can believe in what we do and how we acquire, preserve and make accessible information. How do we empower them? To empower us?

  1. 促进您的专业发展:向档案及相关领域的同事、专家和思想领袖学习并与之互动
  2. 为全球讨论贡献您的观点和经验。我们想要倾听您的声音。
  3. 利用一系列实践研讨会来扩展您的技能,学习应对21世纪挑战的创造性解决方案。
  4. 结识新朋友,不忘老朋友。
  5. 扩展您的国际同事网络,这是一个在您的职业生涯中互惠互利的网络:您并不孤单。
  6. 参加您所在地区的国际档案理事会(ICA)分支机构的会议:放眼全球,就地行动
  7. 与同事一起检验您的想法和计划:寻求和提供建议
  8. 计划联合倡议和项目;合作
  9. 积极参与国际档案理事会的活动,了解当前的问题和挑战;参与
  10. 在展区与供应商交谈
  11. 成为国际知名的档案科学某些方面的专业人士或专家

Venue: Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre – ADNEC

The venue for ICA Abu Dhabi 2020, ADNEC is a world-class exhibitions and conferences hub in the heart of the city, surrounded by urban architecture and international hotel chains.
The contemporary spaces feature purpose-built conference halls offering a superior environment for business functions, with premium facilities and stylish modern interiors.